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Image DescriptionMfr Part # Stock Price Add
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license (1 year) - 1 device
3DSF450FA1Y1 9999 $33.00
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license (1 year) - 300 devices
3DSF450FA1Y300 9999 $9,443.00
Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing Intel - Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing
Subscription license (1 year) - 100 devices
3DSF450AS1Y100 9999 $901.00
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license - 1 device - valid for life of device
3DSF450FAL1 9999 $159.00
Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing Intel - Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing
Subscription license (1 year) - 1 device
3DSF450AS1Y1 9999 $11.00
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license (1 year) - 100 devices
3DSF450FA1Y100 9999 $3,149.00
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license (1 year) - 30 devices
3DSF450FA1Y30 9999 $946.00
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license - 100 devices - valid for life of device
3DSF450FAL100 0 $15,737.00
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license - 300 devices - valid for life of device
3DSF450FAL300 0 $47,209.00
Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing Intel - Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing
Subscription license (1 year) - 300 devices
3DSF450AS1Y300 9999 $2,699.00
Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing Intel - Intel RealSense ID Anti-Spoofing
Subscription license (1 year) - 30 devices
3DSF450AS1Y30 9999 $271.00
Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication Intel - Intel RealSense ID Facial Authentication
Subscription license - 30 devices - valid for life of device
3DSF450FAL30 0 $4,722.00
Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit
License + 1 Year Support - 5 concurrent users - academic - ESD - Multi-Node, maximum 25 developers supported - Linux, Win, Mac
ABM999OCAE25X1Z 2 $12,125.00
Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit
License + 3 Years Support - 1 named user - academic - ESD - Multi-Node - Linux, Win, Mac
ABM999OSAE01X3Z 2 $2,425.00
Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit
License + 1 Year Support - 5 concurrent users - academic - ESD - Single-Node, maximum 25 developers supported - Linux, Win, Mac
ABS999OCAE25X1Z 2 $6,165.00
Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit
License + 3 Years Support - 2 concurrent users - commercial - ESD - Single-Node, maximum 10 developers supported - Linux, Win, Mac
ABS999OCGE10X3Z 2 $10,674.00
Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit
License + 1 Year Support - 1 named user - academic - ESD - Single-Node - Linux, Win, Mac
ABS999OSAE01X1Z 2 $616.00
Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit
Concurrent License + 1 Year Priority Support - 5 concurrent users - academic - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
ABT999OCAE25X1Z 2 $2,877.00
Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit
Concurrent License + 1 Year Priority Support - 5 concurrent users - commercial - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
ABT999OCGE25X1Z 2 $5,860.00
Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit Intel - Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit
Support Service Renewal (1 year) - 5 concurrent users - academic - Multi-Node, SSR post-expiry, maximum 25 developers supported - Linux, Win, Mac
ABM999OCAR25ZZZ 2 $9,700.00